
Strategy Session

We traveled to four continents with Hackastory and we know there are quite a few of you out there with these challenges. Chances are, this probably also applies to you.

  • 60 hour work weeks?! That’s quite normal for you.
  • You work on an hourly basis (Uurtje-factuurtje, as we like to say in Dutch) and reached your limit.
  • You are always available for work: at night, weekends and maybe even on holidays
  • You are ambitious, want to help more newsrooms and crave more impact, but don’t know how to do that.

Go ahead and complete the short form below to tell us more about you and why you’d be a great fit for a free session. We only have a few of these spots available. For that reason, we make a selection from the applications we receive. We can help you best when:

  • You’re an independent/interim strategist or consultant in journalism or media.
  • You’re open minded and ambitious.
  • You’re ready to invest to take your business to the next level.

Yes, go for it and complete the form now. We’ll look forward to creating a personal strategy with you.

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* indicates required
0-5000 euro 5000-10.000 euro 10.000-25.000 euro 25.000-50.000 euro 50.000-100.000 euro
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By filling in this form you’ll part of our mailing list, together with 2000 other professionals. Of course, you can unsubscribe at any time, but understand we’ll hack your computer if you do. Just kidding. 😉