
Story Board – Lebowski Publisher

An innovative board game that provides a new perspective on an existing story by using AR technology.

How do you create a new reading experience in which you both reach the reader and the non-reader? Using the board game Story Board and your phone you’ll be able to open real-life worlds using AR. The combination of image, audio, text from a novel and new backstories with characters you enrich the book and lower the threshold to start reading literature.

The physical board game (not that big, foldable even) offers an overview of the story and prepares the player for special events (crosspoints). By starting the game on your phone, you activate the AR-surroundings of the game. The player follows a character (both physical on the board as in the virtual world) whom turns himself to the player/reader with: riddles, quizzes, translation assignments or a devil’s dilemma in which you get to know the character both also yourself. For the reader who is familiar with the story it is an deepening; for the non-readers it is an inspiring acquaintance.

Alka Anna Goos: Coach
Corin Donders: Developer
Saskia Veen: Editor/online content manager at Lebowski
Anneleen van Offel: Author
Esther van Dijk: Coördinator new business at Singel Uitgeverijen